Central United Women IN FAITH
“We seek to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship and education so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities.”
We believe love in action can change the world.

We are a powerful, fearless force driven by God’s love and united in sisterhood. With a focus on women, children and youth, we act for justice and transform communities. We face the realities we see in the world, even when they are not the ones we would like to see. However, our goal is not to bear witness simply to harms but also to God’s love by acting boldly to change those harms.
The SW District United Women in Faith will be holding its Lenten Day Apart service, Saturday, March 15, 2025, 9:30 a.m., at Ben Hill United Methodist Church, 2099 Fairburn Road, SW, Atlanta 30331.
If you have any questions about the event, please contact Jacque Twiggs at (404) 281-5447 or [email protected]
UWF Brings Christmas Cheer to Seniors and Sick and Shut-In
It's an operation that rivals Santa's workshop. The annual UWF Christmas gift bags project spanned the length and breadth of the Ministry Enhancement Center with two dozen members of Central's United Women in Faith organized into stations of sorting, assembling and packaging toiletries, snacks, cozy slippers and dressing gowns. This missional outreach during the Christmas season reflects the UWF's vision of a united sisterhood that is a "powerful, fearless force driven by God's love" to serve those who are in need.
This year, Central's UWF assembled and delivered more than 90 Christmas gift bags to Central's seniors, 85 years and older, as well as the church’s sick and shut-in. Fifteen Christmas gift bags were provided to residents of Sadie Mays Health & Rehabilitation Center in honor of the Wednesday Bible Study Class started years ago by the late Mr. Robert Carter and the late Mrs. Lillie Middlebrooks, lifelong members of Central UMC. In addition, 10 Christmas gift bags were presented to community senior residents, 90 years old and older, at Veranda at Scholars Landing in the AU Center complex.
As the Church of Jesus Christ, we are called to minister unto our sisters and brothers. Each year at Christmas, we can find Central's UWF doing just that.

cumc uwf prayer brunch 2025
Let’s put love into action. Your support helps make mission happen!
Date/Time: Saturday, March 29, 2025, 11:30 a.m.
Location: Clark Atlanta University, Bishop Cornelius Henderson Student Center, 223 James P. Brawley Drive, NW, Atlanta, GA 30314
If there are questions about the registration form or payment process, please contact Sheila Powell at [email protected] or the church office at 404-524-4263.
Wear your favorite pair of sneakers!
The Kin-dom Is Among You: Drawing Closer to God and One Another
Mission u is a transformative educational program that encompasses both Bible-based curricula and events. All are welcome to engage with either or both components of Mission u.
Interested in deepening your faith in community? Gaining experience interpreting Scripture? Working toward healing for yourself, your community, and all of creation? Mission u is for you!
Each year, United Women in Faith develops three justice-focused Biblical curricula for adults, youth, and children, all on a common theme. In 2024, our theme is The Kin-dom Is Among You: Drawing Closer to God and One Another. In 2025, the theme will be Hope as Resurrection People. Our focus on developing three curricula around one common theme means that Mission u offers a unique opportunity for faith communities to create powerful intergenerational learning experiences. For more information Mission u go to Mission u | United Women in Faith (uwfaith.org).
Hygiene Kits for central's monday morning ministry
UMW continues to expand concepts of mission through our participation in the global ministries of the church and now in our unique surrounding communities. Beginning in April, we joined with the Monday Morning Ministry to provide hygiene kits for our unhoused neighbors on a continuous basis.
Kits should include:
- face towel
- soap
- deodorant
- toothpaste
- toothbrush
- hand sanitizer
- masks
- one-gallon "ziplock" bag.
Other items may be added, but all must be able to fit in the one-gallon bag. Please specify on the outside of the kit "Men" or "Women."
The kits may be dropped off at the church during operational hours or by contacting Julie Gordon for additional drop off times.
All support is welcomed in the Kingdom of God! Please join us in donating kits.

Meet the Executive Committee
Central UWF Meetings Calendar
President - Julie Gordon
Vice President - Yvonne Conway
Secretary - Valeria Clark
Assistant Secretary - Bonita Swain
Treasurer - Sheila Powell
Asst. Treasurer - Monique Mabry
Spiritual Growth - Effie Chisholm
Resource Secretary - Deborah Love
Membership, Nurture and Outreach - Barbara Hubbard
Social Actions - Jackie Sykes & Therese Cotton
Nominations - Phyllis Burse
Education & Interpretation - Daisy McClarty & Cynthia White
Communications - Pamela Perkins Carn
Email Address: [email protected] or [email protected]
Next Meetings
25 Southwest District (SWD) Inaugural Meeting, January 25, 9:30am, Fayetteville First United Methodist Church, 175 Lanier Avenue, East Fayetteville, GA 30214
27 Executive Committee Meeting, Zoom, 5:30pmFEBRUARY
14 Love. Love. Love., Everywhere, All Day
17 Executive Committee Meeting, Zoom, 5:30pm
22 Installation and Pledge Service, Central UMC, 11:00amMARCH
1 District Leadership Training, TBD
15 Lenten Day Apart Service
17 Executive Committee Meeting, Zoom, 5:30pm
22 General Meeting, location TBD, 11:00am
23 UWF Worship Leaders, Central UMC, 8:00am
29 CUMC UWF Prayer Brunch, Clark Atlanta University, 11:30am (speaker Judge Sonya Natasha Brown)APRIL
20 EASTER SUNDAY, Central UMC, 8:00am & 11:00am
21 Executive Committee Meeting, Zoom, 5:30pm
26 General Meeting, Central UMC, 11:00am
27 Blue Sunday Prayer and Praise, Virtual, 2:00pmMAY
2-3 NG Spiritual Growth/Social Action Event Pinnacle Retreat Center, Clayton, GA
11 Mother's Day
19 Executive Committee Meeting, Zoom, 5:30pm
24 General Meeting, location TBD, 11:00amJUNE
13 Annual Prayer Breakfast, Athens Classic Center, Athens, GA
15 Father's Day
23 Executive Committee Meeting, Zoom, 5:30pm
28 General Meeting, location TBD, 11:00am
30 2nd Quarter Financial Reports Due
7 Local Units Presidents Reports Due
21 Executive Committee Meeting, Zoom, 5:30pm
26 General Meeting, location TBD, 11:00am
TBA Mission U, NG Conference Center -Duluth/SuwaneeAUGUST
14 Racial Justice, TBD
18 Executive Committee Meeting, Zoom, 5:30pm
23 General Meeting, location TBD, 11:00am
TBD Soul Care RetreatSEPTEMBER
13 Faith, Fun & Everyone, TBD
22 Executive Committee Meeting, Zoom, 5:30pm
27 General Meeting, location TBD, 11:00am
30 3rd Quarter Financial Reports DueOCTOBER
4 NG Annual Meeting, Cascade UMC, TBD
20 Executive Committee Meeting, Zoom, 5:30pm
25 General Meeting, location TBD, 11:00amNOVEMBER
17 Executive Committee Meeting, Zoom, 5:30pm
22 General Meeting, location TBD, 11:00am
27 Thanksgiving DayDECEMBER
15 Executive Committee Meeting, Zoom, 5:30pm
25 Christmas Day
31 4th Quarter Financial Reports Due
TBA Christmas basket assemblyOTHER EVENTS
- Southwest District (SWD) Inaugural Meeting, January 25, 9:30am, Fayetteville First United Methodist Church, 175 Lanier Avenue, East Fayetteville, GA 30214
- Women’s History Month, March 2025
- North Georgia Annual Conference, June 12-14, 2025
- Global Impact Celebration, Central UMC, TBD
- Assembly 2026 Indianapolis, Indiana
To access resources provided by the UWF, please open this webpage.
UWF advocacy opportunities
Foreverfamily – Helping Children of Incarcerated Parents
Nearly six million kids in America have experienced losing a parent to prison or jail at some point in their lives. Foreverfamily works to ensure that, no matter what the circumstances, all children have the opportunity to be surrounded by the love of family.
Our organization focuses on providing services to children with incarcerated parents and their families. After 30 years, we are more committed than ever to our mission. We anxiously anticipate strengthening our relationships in the community to serve our children and families in new, innovative ways in 2020 and beyond. [Learn more]
Tell Your Representative: Take Federal Action to Help End School Pushout!
Show your support for the federal Ending PUSHOUT Act! As United Women in Faith members and friends, we are called to do all we can to interrupt the school-to-prison pipeline. Children of color, especially, are far too often targets of broken and biased systems. We know that racial disparities are rampant, with Black girls about six times as likely to be suspended as white girls. [Learn more]