a comprehensive look at central's history

filling in the gaps with rev. frederick r. gray - a three-part series


In Part 1, Rev. Frederick Gray introduces us to his inspiration and reasons for documenting Central's history in "Filling the Gaps" and chronicles the literature of Lula Lee Hill and Annette West Hampton.

A flyer with an image of a person.


In Part 2, Rev. Federick Gray continues to identify the early pastors of Central between 1867 and 1900 and provides covers the historical connection between Central UMC and Clark Atlanta University.

A man standing in front of a building.


In Part 3, Rev. Frederick Gray highlights the progress of Central (in spite of white flight  from after the merger in 1875).  He also introduces us to the influence of Dr. M.C.B. Mason on Central and other institutions.

A person standing in front of a building.