The Prayer Ministry at Central invites and encourages you to further develop your prayer life by becoming a part of a Prayer Team. Prayer Teams are hosted by members of Central's Prayer Ministry and focus on intercessory prayer. Teams gather (virtually) to pray for each other, other individuals, our church, our government, our nation and the world.
The Six Marks of Discipleship call us to daily prayer, Bible reading, weekly worship, Christian service, relationships that encourage spiritual growth, and giving in the spirit of generosity. Joining a Prayer Team is one way of living into the discipleship mark of daily prayer, growing your prayer life and drawing closer to God.
To join a Prayer Team, simply call into one of the conference numbers on the corresponding day and time listed below:
Prayer Team Leader: Effie Chisholm
Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m., 605-313-5608 access code 725038#
Prayer Team Leader: Couties Hollis
Every other Wednesday at 8:00 p.m., 978-990-5404 access code 7685875#
Prayer Team Leader: Dianne Wyatt
Thursdays at 8:00 p.m., 712-775-7031 access code 413883#
Prayer Team Leader: Scarlette Dukes
Monday, 7:oo p.m., 602-580-9453 access code 2082348#