"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, AND in all Judea AND Samaria, AND to the ends of the earth.” The Power of the AND -- Acts 1:8 (NIV)
More than 2,000 years ago, in some of the last-recorded words of our Lord Jesus Christ before He ascended to heaven, He called His church to receive the power of the Holy Spirit in order to be witnesses in Jerusalem, all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).
Central UMC has entered into a partnership with TMS Global to become a missional church!
This partnership came as a result of the ACTIVATE training. Central recognizes the value of engaging in global outreach. Not only will we witness in our immediate unique surrounding community, but we will broaden our reach into the world around us.
Min. Julie Gordon, Team Lead
Pamela Carn, Therese Cotton, Rev. Frederick Gray, Carol Tucker-Burden, Rev. Brian Tillman, Advisor
Opportunities to ENGAGE
Defending God’s Creation in Honor of Earth Day 2024
Central UMC’s Green Team kicked off the celebration of Earth Day with a Green Team Workshop on April 21, 2024. The workshop was facilitated by Marqus Cole J.D., Organizing Director for Georgia Interfaith Power & Light (GIPL). It was a joy to have Marqus worship with us before the Upper Room-themed workshop. He prophetically engaged the Central family participants in as we feasted on a meal and dialogue. Marqus Cole will serve as Central’s Green Team coach for 12 months. All members are encouraged to join the green team as we move forward in making a difference by embracing our community and defending our climate.
To learn more, please email Carol Tucker-Burden at [email protected].
city of refuge 5k run
Embrace the Community More in 2024!
Thank you for your continued support for transforming the lives of those in our surrounding communities! Team Central UMC ATL Raised $630! And you can still make a donation.
Thank You Participants!
Heather Brightharp
Fern Scott
Tavis Tinsley
Rae Jordan
Therese Cotton
Carol Tucker-Burden
Julie Gordon
Carolyn West
Rossheda McLarin
Juanalynne Varner-Webb
central @ ga poor people's campaign march
The Georgia Poor People's Campaign is an outreach partner of Central United Methodist Church. Members of Central's Mission and Outreach Mobilization Team (MOMT) participated in the March 2nd march and rally at the Georgia State Capitol to advocate for economic justice and equity for the poor and low wage workers.

Mission on monday mornings
Monday Morning Ministry
The men involved in the Monday Morning Ministry are on fire! Central provides Chick-fil-A meals, water and also distributes supplies for personal hygiene. When I look upon the homeless, I see human beings. I see faces of God that connect with me in that I could easily be in their place. It is a divine reality check that were it not for the grace of God, there go I. It is rewarding to see the church reach out to the people in need rather than simply wait for the people to come to the church. I feel honored to join the Central men for the Monday Morning Ministry to feed the homeless. I am honored to share the reflections of Bro. Aurelius Freeman, Bro. Christopher Beal and Bro. James Gordon. Read more
Youth Ministry storytellers
Youth Ministry Reading Project
In observance of March being National Reading Month, our Youth Ministry's mission project was to record videos of themselves reading stories for preschoolers and elementary age children.
These wonderful videos are available to view. Just click on the name and share these stories read by our youth.